Holiday Inn Swindon.


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  • Check-in: 15:00
  • Check-out: 12:00
  • Mininum check-in age: 18

03333 209 353

Frequently asked questions

Where is Holiday Inn Swindon located?

Situated within easy reach of key attractions within Wiltshire and the Cotswolds, located just minutes from Junction 15 M4.

Does Holiday Inn Swindon have a car park?

Yes. Parking Eye System is in place. Please register car at reception.

What are the check-in and check-out times for Holiday Inn Swindon?

Check-in time is 2pm, and check-out time is 12pm. 

Can I pay for early check-in/late check-out at Holiday Inn Swindon?

Yes, contact the hotel for details. 

How far from Holiday Inn Swindon is it to the town centre or train station?

Around a 10 minute drive to Swindon centre and the train station.

Does Holiday Inn Swindon offer cots?

Yes, cots are available on request.

Can Holiday Inn Swindon book me a taxi?

Yes, at reception.

Does Holiday Inn Swindon have a swimming pool?


Does Holiday Inn Swindon allow pets?

Yes, dogs only. £15 per dog per night.

Does Holiday Inn Swindon have conference rooms?


Does Holiday Inn Swindon have WiFi?

Complimentary wi-fi throughout the hotel.

When is breakfast served?

Weekdays 6.30 - 9.30am. Weekends - 7.30 - 10.30am.

Is the hotel reception desk open 24 hours a day? 

Our Front Desk is manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Do you cater for allergies and dietary needs? 

Yes of course! Please contact our Front Desk Team prior to arrival to discuss.  

Do you cater for vegans or gluten-free?

We do cater for most dietary requirements including vegan and gluten-free.

Can I get room service?

Yes, room service is available, after 10.00pm it is sandwiches only and a tray charge of £4.50 will apply.

Food hygiene rating 5